Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Field Dress Rabbit

So... this past weekend a buddy of mine, who raises rabbits as a food source, invited me up to learn how to field dress a rabbit.  This was a refresher course for me. I have trapped and eaten rabbit out in the field during a survival exercise, however, this was a while ago. 

I documented the process with photos. If you are squeemish..do not open the document. This is intended for those of you who would like a better understanding of what is involved if you ever find yourself in a survival situation and need to dress a rabbit you may have shot or trapped.

I have seen other methods and understand that somebody probably does it differently.  This just happens to be the way my buddy does it.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

American Ninja Warrior

Yes folks, I am a fan of the show.  I am such a fan, that today I submitted my application to participate on the show.  I have been super busy which is why I have missed a few days on my blog. I finished outlining a 13 episode tv series on prepping/survival and its been submitted for review. Lots of exciting stuff happening which is pretty cool. 

Make sure and check back from time to time. If I make it on the show I will be updating with pics and highlights and all that groovy stuff. 

Leave a comment please, just so I know someone is reading this.  If you do I will probably write my next blog about you!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

behind the scenes..

Hello again, if you are one of the one or two people who actually read my blog..thank you!

I was out on a Search & Rescue mission yesterday in the mountains.  I got home really late last night after hiking for miles up and down through canyons and across mesas.

Today I am releasing some behind the scenes footage of our 'Finding Bigfeet' parody.  This is from the 'Squatch Poop' scene. 

Have an awesome day people.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Good day..

Howdy hello, I have been working on writing the format and preparing as a host for a 13 episode tv show on prepping and survival.  This is going to be a fun project and when it airs I will be posting each episode and highlights on www.nojokesurvival.com.

I also filled out an application and am in thin process of creating a video submission for the show 'American Ninja Warrior'.  I think this would be a ton of fun, regardless of how far I get through the course.

Other than that it's been life as usual...busy..busy...busy. 
Here is a photo from a shoot that I did...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I eat 'Squatch Poop' !

Yesterday I uploaded a funny parody of the show 'Finding Bigoot'.  If you didn't watch it, you might have missed this segment where I eat 'Squatch Poop'. 


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Parody of 'Finding Bigfoot'

So here it is folks, the project we have been working on.  We hope you get a good laugh. We had a blast filming it.  We are all fans of the show 'Finding Bigfoot' and this is all done in good humor!  Click Here!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Really cool stuff...

Yes, we have some really cool stuff in the works.  Looks like we will release our newest video on Saturday.  This one  has received lots of laughs from our families and friends and we hope you like it as well.  I had an audition yesterday which went well.  Anytime I don't forget lines is a good audition...lol!  I will keep you posted if I hear anything else about it.  Tomorrow is Friday...and I am so looking forward to it!  Have a great night, and if you live back east...please make preparations prior to this big storm and be safe.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Morning folks!  I was a little late waking up this morning. I had a great work out at the gym last night and was able to stick front flips, something I had never tried. Been working on a big side project which will come to fruition in the next couple months.  It seems like I am busy..busy...but that's ok. It is much better than being bored.  Remember to check out www.nojokesurvival.com  for new videos and stuff.  Thanks for stopping by..


Saturday, February 2, 2013


My cold lingered a little longer and I missed a couple days of blogging.  I was feeling a bit better today, so me and some friends went out and did a little filming.  I havn't laughed so hard in quite some time.  I really think our next video will be entertaining and funny.  Tomorrow is the big game and I'm looking forward to chilling out with the family and enjoying the game.  Have a great weekend everyone!